Ol' Blue Eyes' birthday was December 12 so that was the date for the 17th annual Frank Sinatra party given by one of Dave and Grant's friends. I don't know how we first got invited - I think just running into Scott and Ivy (the friends) and a led to b led to z kind of thing. To tell the truth, I enjoy going just to see how the kids clean up - and their friends. Because the thing about the Sinatra party, other than the fact that only Sinatra music is played, is that it's a formal dress party. Well, in their fashion - one year someone might wear a tux and the next year a vest and tie. But usually cocktail or long dresses for the girls and suits and ties for the guys. Since neither of my children is exactly with their significant others, I mostly have pictures of Bill and me. Two of my favorite people at times. I'm also sticking in a picture that Bill took of me and the boys in front of the mantel when we went out for dinner on my birthday, Dec. 11. We went to Shogun and watched the whole, fire, knives, spatulas, and grilling at the table routine. We eat there about once a year and what was different this year was everyone was given a fork and we had to actually ask for chopsticks! Well, that and more and more of the hibachi-ists look hispanic, which seemed to bother some people in our group more than others. I'm too busy watching their hands and trying to work my chopsticks to look at their face! Two things - I'm sure there's more - I still haven't mastered: crochet and chopsticks. I use the chopsticks, but I still don't feel comfortable with them.
Belated happy birthday!
You sure have a lovely family.
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