We checked the weather in the a.m. and saw that there was a 40% chance for rain and thunderstorms at 9 and 10 p.m. so we were prepared. So after careful research and deliberation, we decided to watch from our car parked in LP Field, the
Titans' football stadium. We didn't see anywhere that it cost anything, but keeping the rule in mind that nothing's free, we shelled out $10 to park. Our hubris then led us to venture out and sit over beyond a row of trees because "the grass is always greener of the other side."
- We even took our umbrella, our new folding, camp UVa lawn chairs, and books to read and wait for about 2 hours - or so we thought. When it began to look ominous, around 8:15, they began the fireworks, which was an hour early. But it was dark and presumably they hoped to beat the storm. But it was already drippy and halfway through our beautiful display (top 5, I've read 3rd in the nation, but maybe 4th), the skies let loose.
So, had we followed our plan to be sitting in our car in case it rained? No. We were still sitting where the grass was greener in our comfortable new lawn chairs. And even though we had an umbrella and were already drenched, we felt we had to make it back to the car so as not to be struck by lightening - Bill with constant eyes to the front because his arm was breaking from carrying all the stuff (he later said) and me, Nina, with my head turned sideways to still watch the fireworks while he shouted "Are you keeping up with me?"
- Not the best of 4th of July firework displays, but one of the coolest's. When I got home I had hot chocolate. Now that's saying something for July 4th in Nashville!
- Our hearts still go out to the boys in Iraq - I believe 5 were killed there this week. Brave, brave men and women.
From the book I'm reading now (fiction):
Breathes there the man so dead
Who never to himself hath said,
"This is my own, my native land!"
- Wouldn't it be nice if we all could be at peace in our own native lands? I have a dream about that!
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