Every 4 years on January 20th we have an inaugeration. But every year on this day, David has a birthday. This year he was 32. Good heavens! We celebrated on Sunday night by watching the football playoff games and getting takeout from our favorite Italian restaurant, Carrabba's.
This was an especially special inaugeration, needless to say. Not only has my candidate won - for the first time in YEARS, but also due to the significance of electing the first African American to the Presidency. WOW. Of course, during the time everyone was campaigning for him, the country was going to hell in a hand basket, so he has inherited the worst mess in my lifetime. So he has the dichotemy of possessing the nation's highest expectations in the economy's lowest point since the Great Depression.
As David Letterman, the late night talk show host, is always saying, the money is all gone, a bunch of old men have stolen all the money. Or, all the money - and I guess I'm talking house values and the stock market - was all a house of cards - or a house built out of straw - it wasn't real and it collapsed. All our earnings of the past 10 years are gone and who knows how long it will take to come back.
But, Bill and I voted for Ross Perot who talked some 12 or 16 years ago about the danger of the jobs going overseas and the growing deficit and no one paid any attention, but it made sense to us. So, when I hear people interviewed on TV talk about buying a Ford now instead of a Honda because it's an American car, I think, yeah, and do you know it might be made in Mexico whereas the Honda might be made in Ohio? So, just which purchase better helps the U.S.? It's not always so clear cut. Especially when the U.S. corporate executives are so often overpaid compared to their Japanese counterparts. And just what was Bush (and McCain) thinking when he told us the economy was A-OK just minutes before it wasn't? And what happened to Reagan trickle down? And an editorial I read by George Will that said there were more people moved out of the lower class into the middle class or something like that. Hmmm. This whole thing is sooo confushing. Well when I figure it out, I'll get back to you.
But, as usual I digress. Today David is attending the Vanderbilt vs. Univ. of Tenn. basketball game as a birthday present with his brother Grant. And Barack Obama is attending 10 inaugeral balls in our nation's capitol and then heading back to his new home, the White House. Tomorrow the task of digging out from the mess we're in begins. They'll be plenty of Republicans to argue with - all of the ones from Tennessee to be sure. Tomorrow I just have to go to the dentist for a crown and a filling. Ouch!
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