Easter came very early this year - March 23. Some strange law of travel physics says that if the Pfaff's come to visit from Atlanta, then Grant and Keri will travel to Atlanta to visit her brother, therefore keeping the Nashville/Atlanta connection on an even keel.
We served our tradional Easter dinner of spiral-sliced ham, scalloped potatoes, green bean casserole, and steamed asparagus. Muriel brought her home-made rolls and a delicious pineapple casserole. Erin brought her wonderful tossed salad with apple,pear, dried cranberries, cashews, and shredded swiss cheese topped with poppy seed salad dressing. We ate at noon so that David could watch the U of Tenn basketball game (luckily they won).
Following the b-ball game, we played a game of dominoes (Dave won) and those who wanted had dessert (see picture) of Easter cake and/or ham sandwiches. At dinner, Muriel had told Erin that at Thanksgiving her grandfather had always had a turkey sandwich later in the evening that also had stuffing, potatoes, cranberries, and gravy on it; so I noticed that later in the evening Erin's sandwich had ham and scalloped potatoes on it. I'll have to ask her if she put any pineapple on it since I know the green beans were gone and she doesn't eat asparagus. Ham and pineapple sandwich might be good. With honey mustard. Nix the potatoes though.
I guess I can't write about Easter without adding a note on religion. The blessing my father said at the dinner table every night while I was growing up:
Thank you, dear Lord, for this food and all thy blessings. In Christ's name, Amen.
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